Feel like updating my blog since i stay alone in my gloomy room. Iza just went back home this evening. So, im here all alone while he is watching midnight movie with his friends. Sokey then, give some spaces and freedom aren't the wasted things to do to our beloved one. eh eh lari topik lak,hehe
Three years in Usm is not a long time period for me. Pejam celik pejam celik da habis da blajar. Tinggal nak exam je dah nt. only two papers :) But then, still have to study hard for this final because those two papers are tough. So i have to spend my balik kampong days with the beloved notes.
During three years in here, i got a lot of memories together with my coursemates, friends, lecturers and him :)
kisah suka duka will keep tightly in my mind. We faced all the problems together, lepak2 togeder geder, makan2 kat anjung semarak togeder jugak, went to the best vacation ever in Langkawi together.. In short, we had spend too much time together lah. The hardest thing to do is saying goodbye to all of them.
Today, we were having lunch together with beloved Dr Azimah, Dr Rita and the most I adore, Dr Hajar. :)
You guys are great!
at new york pizza
while waiting for them. tungkus lumus duk baiki frame gamba ni.sat ag kami kasi sorg satu ye..jgn gaduh2. semua dapat.hehe
yey Dr Hajar dapat dulu sbb datang awal ^.^
posing posing sikik la Dr..hihi
Haa kan da cakap sume dapat. I steal their pictures from facebook :P
Dr Azimah : alaa awat amek gmbaq ni..amek la yg lagi cantik..ish.
Dr Hajar ckp it's fine.mine is cute.hehehe
Dr Hajar is doing 'peace'?
I am thankful having a great friends and lecturers. Alhamdulillah..
Best wishes from me guys. :)
*is missing two people cip n ping.
to cip, im gonna miss you. :)