da pukul 3.04 am
always a loner at night, i mean at dawn i think
all of sudden i just thinking bout job
what i'm gonna be later on ?
what job suit with me ?
it is suit with my course that i'm taking right now?
geezzz. i'm a damn worry
taktaw kenapa tetiba je rasa risau
found out my friends had been worked at some places rasa tercabar la pulak
normal la kn kena jealous those kind of things ^.^
sometimes ramai la jugak perlekeh dengan course i ni
even him.so sad :(
they all like to ask what course i'm taking then starting to mock with the annoying words
what the heck
ade sorang tu kan, sampai skrg aku igt ye ckp pe,
' ceh, major english, aku nak tgk je mu keje pe nt, last2 duk kat kampong gak ' (di ikuti dengan dengan gelak jahat)
he utter those words to me, how dare ! bengang la jugak. >.<
aku wat derkk jela, bak kate orang kalo layan orang sewel ngan kite2 jadi sewel :)
so i just keep smiling
but i remember every single words that he uttered to me !
i hate him *not bcoz of that thing only, something else jugak. >.<'
tw la you tu anak taukey, spm fail pon kaya raya jugak *lebey2 lak aku.hee
lantaklah beliau nk pk ape
but sometimes, i mean most of the time
people salah paham if im taking this course i'll become a teacher
wohoo wot wot
me? teacher? ohmaigodness.hell no.
i hate teaching -.-
sometimes, ade la jugak yg menyampass ngn budak2 english
bajet baguss ! *org cite org cite kt aku.har3
sometimes people keep judging us
whatever lah. belajarla dulu rajin2.. *rajin kerrr
ok ok esok aku rajin lar... -.-
-----------hambek english, tp english cam hampeh----------------
ok mengaku.bye. -.-
teringat pulak kisah avagado mase present td
so funny la
it supposed to be avocado
typo is everywhere ^.^
papepooonnn....cheers people ! :))
hey, perlu ke tiap kali post something kena letak gambar jugak?
suke hati saye la blog saye...
*old pic, ketandusan gambar sudaa -.-